First Blog Post
I can say this process was full of challenges for me. I'm really experienced in technology but this whole blogging thing is really new to me. To start off, my mind was racing around not knowing what to do or how to start off. I felt like roadrunner running away from Wilee Coyote.
I had to figure out what website I was going to use to create this new blog. I had the two choices of either Wordpress or Blogger. I started off with using the Wordpress format and had quite a challenge since I am not really experienced.
I had to figure out what website I was going to use to create this new blog. I had the two choices of either Wordpress or Blogger. I started off with using the Wordpress format and had quite a challenge since I am not really experienced.
Wordpress was way more professional then I thought it would be. I thought it would be easy for me to start off but theres a lot of factors that you can input into the blog. I had made mine and accidentally published it and thought that I could go back and edit the actual website if I really needed to. Boy was I wrong. Instead I was stuck with a website not build all the way and not anywhere close to finished. So made the executive decision of switching to Blogger.
Blogger is working out well for me and is pretty simple to navigate. I started off with changing the title and the background picture. The background picture I found on google from the movie "Sonic The Hedgehog", the new movie that's being released next year. As soon as I started with all of that, I got excited and decided to find more things that I could do. Eventually over time I hope to make my blog website more appealing. My post might need a little work on, but I think I'll be happy with using this post as a baseline. Maybe if I get better on this I could transfer over to Wordpress. Only time will tell.
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